Desperate to ensure that final year

Written by: Katie Taylor Posted on: May 11, 2016 Blog: Updates / Blogs

Perhaps you've had the experience before, the rejection letter comes, but upon close examination you realize the mistake is the fault of the committee.

But there is no answer to the many calls, no response to the many emails, you simply have a qualified student, with no scholarship, and no ability to pay for school.

So we do what any parent would, move heaven and earth to ensure that this young talent gets the opportunity to step into the calling on his life.

For the last two years, men and women like you, have faithfully stepped up so that Thando could study at AFDA. But as his final year approaches, we have simply can't make this happen if we don't hit our scholarship goal.

We are blessed to now be connecting several students from disadvantaged backgrounds with tertiary education, primarily our own FSA College, and they faithfully contribute what they are able (and are probably sometimes pushed beyond their ability), because they understand the gift of the scholarship they are receiving.

Your investment in the life of a young man or woman is changing lives, and we're desperate to ensure that they can continue.

These two videos, give insight into the lives of our scholarship students. Please watch them, and then click the link and consider a generous gift. We simply cannot do it without you!

We have 5 days left, and are 25% of the way to our goal, so we need your help.

Thank you in advance for your generous hearts,

Katie Taylor


Jill Taylor said:

on May 13, 2016 at 6:27am

Thondo, congratulations on your excellent studies. We are praying for the funds needed for next year so you can finish strong!!! To those who might be feeling a nudge from the Holy Spirit, please act upon it and give generously. Your gifts to those in need are "pleasing unto the Lord!"

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